Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do we avail of the deals?

All deals are provided by the respective publishers, Cashcashpinoy, Ensogo, Lazada, and Metrodeal. The deals are available on their respective websites. Deal Sniper is not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned.

2. How can we stay updated for any new deals?

We update our page as often as we can with any new offers from our publishers. You may follow our page on facebook, or follow up on twitter, to stay in the loop.

3. How can we be sure of the validity of your deals?

As in #1, the deals are actually offered by different companies. Deal Sniper only provides an information service to help you keep track of the offered deals. That being said, all current providers being listed by Deal Sniper are legitimate companies, as evidenced by customer experience and due diligence research.

4. Something went wrong with my deal!

Please contact the relevant provider immediately. Deal Sniper does not have the capability to provide assistance with the actual transactions.

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