Friday, April 22, 2016

Want to See The Olympics in Rio? Check This Out!

photo courtesy of Citibank Philippines
Citibank and Robinson's Malls have teamed up to offer you a chance to go to the Olympics in Rio De Janiero, Brazil!

Simply use you Citi Visa Credit Card or Citibank Visa Debit Card at Robinsons Retail stores and you could win a trip to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Simply use you Citi Visa Credit Card or Citibank Visa Debit Card at Robinsons Retail stores and you could win a trip to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

The prize package includes round-trip tickets for two to Brazil, deluxe hotel accomodation for four nights with breakfast, tickets to the opening ceremonies, preselected tickets to three Olympic events, Olympic-themed Visa Merchandise, and a tour of the city.

100 Rio 2016 Olympic Games merchandise prize packs will also be given away, containing a bag, cap, card holder, and mascot doll.

Each single receipt purchase of PHP 1000 or more at a Robinsons store with your Citi Visa Credit Card or Citibank Visa Debit Card entitles you to a raffle entry.

For more details please visit

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